Gallion, Beadle, Christmann announce reelection bids
Three Republican incumbents for statewide offices in North Dakota — Auditor Josh Gallion, Treasurer Thomas Beadle and Public Service Commissioner Randy Christmann — announced on Wednesday their plans to run again in 2024.
The candidates announced their bid at the state GOP’s office in Bismarck. They said in a statement that they chose to coordinate their campaigns because of their “shared dedication” to the state party’s values. They’re among the first candidates to formally mount reelection campaigns for 2024 ahead of the state’s opening of petition circulation on Jan. 1.
Christmann was elected to the PSC in 2012 after representing the Hazen area in the state Senate from 1995. He served as assistant majority leader for part of his time in the Senate. Public service commissioners serve six-year terms, with one commissioner from the three-member board up for election every two years. The PSC regulates electric and gas utilities and permits energy projects. The commission also handles issues related to coal mine reclamation, telecommunications, railroads, auctions, weighing and measuring devices, gas pipeline safety and underground damage prevention.